Jicama Smoothie

Each week I buy a vegetable or fruit from the farmersmarket or grocery store that  1) I've never heard of or 2) have always wanted to. It gives me the challenge of both trying something new in the kitchen and expanding my food knowledge. This week I bought a jicama, which is something I've always been curious about. It's a root vegetable native to Mexico, has a texture similar to a water chestnut, and tastes like eating a nutty apple that is both sweet and savory. It is also high in both Vit C and iron. I cut it in half and put the first half in this smoothie and am still trying to decide what to do with the other half. Since it tastes like an apple,  I went with a fall pie theme! Also, be sure the jicama is ripe before using it! 



1 1/2 C almond milk

1/2 ripe jicama 

2 bananas

1 Tbsp raw hemp seeds (optional, adds creaminess + omegas)

1/4 tsp cinnamon 

1/4 tsp nutmeg

2 medjool dates 

1 tsp agave

I topped mine with coconut cream and cinnamon.